My Approach
This site has been created to share with you a different view, an alternate perspective and an expression of my philosophy of self. It is about giving anyone who is interested an opportunity to explore different to what they are doing by utilizing the tools and techniques I have developed throughout my life. No strings attached, it is yours to keep but not yours to rebadge and financially on sell to reap. All the material, tools and techniques provided on this site are ownership and copyright protected. I want to maintain the integrity of the intention to be present and offer something of value as a gift to anyone who is ready to receive it. This site is about paying it forward, without expectation or return. We all have a journey to take. I hope by sharing mine, it will assist you in yours.

Our Story
I have been guiding people on a one to one basis for the last 25 years. It was important to me not to receive anything monetary in return. I was exercising my right to give of free will. I would only ever assist those who asked for help and were ready to assist themselves. A guide is only useful to those who are willing to listen and move forward on their own judgement. Each person I encountered had a different story to tell. I used different methods to reach them and allow them to see what they could not. I identified their trigger points and worked with them to get to the next level of advancement. The things that I do are customized and unique to the person sitting before me. I believed that I could never capture the essence of this in a book and even if I tried it would never do the reader justice.
During those years of guiding I started to see common patterns in behavior & outcomes. There were similar sets of beliefs that stemmed from certain events and although each individual had varying stories associated to the experiences, the triggers were different but the outcomes were basically the same. This new awareness allowed me to open the possibilities of exploring other medium to assist people. Guiding was no longer restricted to face to face contact. I started to use all the communication mediums to continue working with people that wanted to advance themselves.
Many would tell you that we are a product of our experiences. We are conditioned to believe that we are what we are and that we cannot change. I have challenged this concept and proven to myself and those that I guide time and time again that you can be what you choose to be. I am far from perfect as a person. I too have made what I believe are my mistakes and paid the consequences. The difference is that I have consistently chosen to learn from what I have experienced and made a pact with myself to embrace what is presented before me, no matter what the challenge. My allegiance is to the truth and I trust myself completely.
My life has proven to be rewarding thus far I believe because I was committed to self exploration. I found that it was the key to arriving at self awareness which unlocked the realm of understanding and allowed me to come to my terms of acceptance which resulted in peace. There are some basic personality traits that I was born with. As a child I had this fundamental belief in myself. I never questioned my instinct and I had great powers of observation. These characteristics were not only maintained but refined during my life. I believe that you never stop learning and everyone always has something to offer.
Next Steps…
Use the site to assist you in explore yourself and above all things have fun!